ある年の 6月10日 // Freedom could cure a problem child.



  I thought I was curing them by analysis but those who refused to come for analysis were also cured, so I concluded that lt was not psychology that cured them,

 It was freedom to be themselves. If humans were born with an instinct for criminality, there would be as many crminals from fine mlddle-class homes as from slum homes. But well-to-do people have more opportunities for expression of the ego. The pleasures money buys, the refined surroundings, culture, and pride of birth all minister to the ego .Among the poor, the ego is starved. A boy is born in a mean street .His home has no culture, no books, no serious conversation. His parents are ignorant and slap him and yell at him, he attends a school where strict discipline and dull subjects cramp his style. His playground is the street corner. His ideas about sex are pornographic and dirty. On television he sees people with money and cars and all sorts of luxuries .At adolescence he gets into a gang whose aim is to get rich quick at all costs. How can we cure a boy with that background?

 Homer Lane showed for all time that freedom could cure a problem child, but there are few Homer Lanes around .Lane died over forty years ago yet I know of no officlal body dealing with delinquents which has benefited from his experience. The demand is still curing by authorlty and too often fear. One terrible result is that Juvenile crime increases every year.                  A.S.Neill







  ホーマー・レイン(1875年 – 1925年) は、英国の教育者。非行少年たち自身が生活をコントロールする術を身につけることで、その人間性を改善することができると寄宿舎教育を実践した。彼の一貫した信念は  Freedom could cure a problem child.


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